Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

February 7, 2011
5:00 PM
nd Floor Lobby
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:02 PM by, 1st Officer, Kathryn Smith, the Presiding officer wasn’t able to attend.
 Those in attendance were: Adviers - Cathleen and Liz; Members – Molly, Jessica, Sam, Kristen, and Tyson.

Reading of past meeting minutes
     The officer of records, Tyson Manning, read the minutes from the previous meeting dated in November. They were approved as read.

Financial Report [Officer of Finance]
     The officer of finance, Kristen Blair, gave the financial report: The F-Stop Society had $294 that was generated mostly through membership dues, $58 was from the Halloween carnival fundraiser. We spent money on Light well Show, “Society Debut” by spending $20 on the vinyl. Currently Katie Sline is seeking reimbursement for the ice cream closing reception and it is not included in the deduction. But to date, the F-Stop Society has a total of $274.

 Old Business
1.  Creative Challenges was a conversation from last semester. After brief conversation and discussion the proposition was brought to a vote. Membership voted against.

2.  New Business
3.  Society Peer Workshops, the leadership team brought to the society the idea of instituting regular peer-lead workshops that would have related topics to film, photography, and/or video. Members were asked if this was something they would be interested in supporting and for topic ideas before bring the item to a vote. Concluding discussion, in addition to the ideas the leadership developed (see leadership meeting minutes 02-05-12)ideas included: photography-mural prints, and a graduate school prep for juniors/seniors. The item was brought to a vote. Membership voted in favor.
a. During the upcoming leadership team, members will construct a schedule and organize its implementation.

4.  Society Events, speaking on behalf of the presiding officer, Kat explained the need to have bounding and non-business related activities within the society. The members were asked for ideas they have regarding the item and if they would be interested. Ideas the were generated through conversation are as follows:
a. Ice Cream Party
b. Looking/attending art exhibitions/lectures with pizza or something following.
c. Visiting museums/shows as a group
d. Attending OKC’s upcoming “Momentum” as a group.
e. Creating and submitting shows and exhibitions as a group.
f. Attending the following events as a group:
                      i.   Tulsa’s Genre Festival
                    ii.   The Dallas Contemporary Museum
                  iii.   The Dallas Museum of Modern Art
The creation of a “F-Stop Society” t-shirt was discussed and seemed in favor of.
The item was brought to a vote and membership voted in favor of. The leadership team will discuss this in the upcoming meeting to start organization and will bring to the members need-be.

5. Fundraising Ideas, membership were asked for ideas on how the Society could raise more money for their society account to be used for events, activities, or supplies. The following ideas were generated:
-   Bake Sale: with the possibility of weird desserts.
-   Liz advised we think of something we could do on a regular basis to “make our presence known” and so people can incorporate it into their regular habits.
-   Food stand: possibility of providing lunch items in the art school. Non-dessert items during lunch time.
-   Portrait Taking booth during Art School events or something similar. Tyson suggested asking the office if they could be paid to take photographs during events for the school’s records/achieve.
-   Sale Coffee and morning treats for undergraduates with up-charge for graduate and faculty
-   Taking digital photographs of people at events and providing it to people for Facebook/social media uses.
-   ART FOR THE HEART (next week) Figuring out something to do in conjunction with this event…talk to tiffany.
Discussion did not generate any action that required a vote.

6. Benefit Events, the item was postponed due to the member, Teeko Yang, who submitted the item for the agenda not being present. Benefit Events [Teeko] SKIPPED due to Teeko not in attendance.

7. Big Event Participation, Tyson explained how he felt the Society needed to begin to participate in community service events; felt it was an obligation group organizations should do. He asked members how they felt about participating in this year’s university-wide event, “The Big Event”, after discussion nothing was decided.
g. A conversation that was evoked while discussing The Big Event was GREEN WEEK. Sam suggested contacting the chairs for the event to see what they have planned and if they have any recommendations that the Society could successfully participate in, like taking photographs. Tyson said he would seek more information

8. Guest Speaker Proposals, the leadership team brought to the table possibly asking two photographs in different regard, to come speak to the F-Stop Society as an educational opportunity.
a. MJ Alexander [Tyson] – GREEN LIGHT
b. Shiavaun Williams [Teeko] – GREEN LIGHT
The proposal was brought to a vote and both photographs were voted in favor of. Tyson will contact MJ Alexander and Tyson for possibly presenting in April and Teeko Yang will contact Shiavaun Williams for a March engagement.

9. Bylaw Amendment Discussion, Tyson explained the need for amending some items in the Society bylaws. In summary, he feels after half an academic year the bylaws can be adjusted or need to be reconsidered in order for the Society to operate realistically and to better re-construct the foundation in hopes the Society will refrain from collapsing in the future. He asked members for their input, thoughts, and perhaps additional recommendations about these changes. The Officer of Records will post the changes that are being considered and any questions can be directed towards Tyson. An official motion is expected during the March business meeting

10.         Exhibition Opportunity, Tyson received an email announcing the possibility having a small space to show work or curate a show at Mainsite Gallery on Main Street in Norman. Liz recommended taking the opportunity if available and to go look at the space to see how much room there is to work with. Members voted in favor of looking into the possibility. Tyson was asked to contact Mainsite site on behalf of F-Stop.

11.         CORIANDER CAFÉ: Cathleen brought to everyone’s attention that the Coriander Café on Campus corner is accepting proposals for art shows. Currently Tyson’s Hugo Project is on display. If any member wishes to propose a body of work, or if students would like to collaborate as a team or as a Society, we need to contact the owner Chris for more information.

12.         Early in the meeting, Liz and Cathleen informed the Society there are new students in the Video II and Intro to Photography classes and the Society should send a representative(s) to recruit potential new members. The Officer of Student Relations, Katie, was assigned the responsibility.

13.         Set Next Meeting
a. March 8th @ 5:00 PM THURSDAY, 2nd Floor Lounge
14.         Open Discussion for F-Stop Business/Direction (none)

17.    Student Art Gallery: Jessica Tankersley provided members with a Release and Consignment form that needs to be submitted with a piece if dropped off at the Student Art Gallery in the Union.
a. A lot of the work isn’t prepared by “real” artists. 80& commission, you price your own work. PLEA: WE DON’T GET A LOT OF ART, WE ARE DESPERATE FOR NEW STUFF, $100 don’t sell, $50 or under do. Any questions – direct towards Jessica Tankersley.

18.    Groovefest: (item was not announced due to the person who submitted the topic not being in attendance.)

19.    Volunteers needed: Tyson Manning, let members know the office is still asking for volunteers to help with the school’s fundraiser this coming Tuesday. If members were interested they need to speak with Jessica Upston for more information.

20.    PKN: Thurs, Feb 9 at 7:50 PM FJJMA

21.    Photography Slam: Thurs, Feb 16 at 6:00 PM FJJMA and congratulations to the F-Stop members who were accepted as presenters: Max Duggan, Sarah Engel, and Ryan Harris.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM by the 1st Officer.